Aaron Vale Rein-3 Poignées Rembourrées - Meilleure Rêne D'entraînement Pour Une Connexion Stable Et Sécurisée

$169.00 USD


Cette rêne a été créée en collaboration avec Aaron Vale, l'un des cavaliers de saut d'obstacles les plus titrés et les plus prolifiques d'Amérique.

Inventé pour offrir plus de confort et de stabilité avec des poignées rembourrées uniques cousues à la main. Il offre un confort incroyable pour les mains du cavalier. La rêne s'ajuste pour que les poignées puissent être placées précisément là où le cheval et le cavalier trouvent leur meilleure connexion. Il améliore la ligne droite du mors au coude et encourage des bras plus détendus et des mains plus douces.

Pour le dressage ou le saut d'obstacles, ces rênes offrent aux cavaliers de tous niveaux un moyen plus confortable et plus simple de conserver leur longueur de rêne.

Cette rêne est un outil d'entraînement pour aider les cavaliers et les chevaux à créer une mémoire musculaire qui peut être rappelée pour la compétition. Non légal pour les compétitions de dressage et de concours complet USDF/USEA et FEI.

Les rênes régulières s'ajustent de 52" à 58" par incréments de 2". Vous voulez aller plus court ? Beaucoup d'espace pour personnaliser !

Les rênes de taille poney s'ajustent de 42" à 48" pouces. Idéal pour nos petits amis à 4 pattes !

Les poignées sont espacées de 4 pouces.

Boucle se termine


Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews

Interesting reins. Quality is very good, customer service is amazing! For a rider with small hands the grips are a bit much. Definitely is going to take some getting used to since reins can’t be pulled through fingers now. Wonderful company that I will absolutely suggest!

Lauren van Dam
Helped tremendously

I have always had a horrible habit of letting my reins get longer and longer as I ride. It did not matter what I tried, they would get long. It was getting to the point where I wasn't establishing a good connection with my horse, and it was showing in our performance. I got these reins a few weeks ago and I am genuinely shocked with how well it works; I can finally ride around and maintain a connection with my horse's mouth without my reins slowly slipping looser and looser. I recently showed my horse in the 1.0m jumpers at an A rated show and had some amazing rounds while using these reins. I use the shortest hand grip for jumping, the middle grip for flatwork, and the longest grip for walking on a looser rein. My horse gives many thanks for these reins!

Another added bonus not many will relate to... but these reins are a life saver after a night of braiding. I braid 4-6 horses each night at shows and ride my horse in classes during the day. It is brutal on my hands to braid and often times my fingers are cut up, swollen, and sore after a night of braiding - these reins are soft and make it easier for me to hold the reins post braiding!

Emily Markham
Great quality, unparalleled training tool!!

I used these reins for several months as a working student, and they helped me to make huge improvements in my riding. Now, as an instructor and owner of my own small teaching/training business, I bought a pair to use in lessons with my students. I absolutely love these reins for helping riders to learn how to maintain contact with even rein length, for teaching proper hand mechanics, and I like to use them in conjunction with the CorrectConnect Position Reminder to show students the feeling of maintaining proper upper body positioning and rein length while steering. These reins are great quality and very comfortable to hold for riders of all ages. I am a huge advocate of CorrectConnect products and will continue to be a satisfied, happy customer!

Debbie Loweth
Veil rein 3 padded hand grips

These reins have given me my riding life back. Following a severe bacterial infection in my hand in February I have lost feeling in my thumb index and middle fingers. In my right hand. I had no grip at all. Since using these reins I have control back as the reins do not slip through my fingers and I have started to get more strength in the hand too as it’s a form of exercise. Thank you 🤩

Kathryn Roe-Guerin

Tabs are a bit bulky for small hands, definitely like how they keep my hands even


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