Quick Knot Deluxe Braiding Pins
Your braids will be the envy of the show ring with the patent pending HES-Tec Quick Knot Plaiting & Braiding Clips.
These innovative clips take the frustration out of rolling up your braids into the perfect rosette. Simply braid the mane down, secure it with a band, roll the braid into a knot, pop in a Quick Knot Clip, bend it around the knot, and saddle up!
These clips eliminate the need for needle and thread while keeping your rubber bands from snapping around thick knots. Once through with competition you just need to bend the prong back down and pull it out of the mane for reuse later on. Elevate your braiding technique and save crucial time at horse shows with the HES-Tec Quick Knot Clips!
📏 Product Details:
Perfect rosettes without the frustration
Eliminates the need for needle and thread
No mores napping rubber bands
Professional-looking braids with ease
Neat and discrete
Saves crucial time at competitions
📐 Size & Fit Details:
Standard size for manes and tales with normal thickness
XL size for longer pin for thick manes and bigger knots
🐴 Directions:
1. Make a braid
2. Roll the braid into a ball
3. Push the Quick Knot Clip through the backside of the braid
4. The middle prong will come through the front
5. Bend the prong 45 degrees to the side or upwards
6. Take the clip out by bending the middle prong back down and pulling the Quick Knot out
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