Der Heather Comfort Connect Zügel – unterstützende, gepolsterte Zügel für schwache Hände und bessere Verbindung

$129.00 USD

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Entworfen mit USEA-Richterin und 5-Sterne-Vielseitigkeitsreiterin Heather Gillette. Aufgrund der Beliebtheit unserer Comfort Connect-Zügel haben wir einen Zügel mit gepolstertem „Quetsch“ über die gesamte Länge des Zügels entwickelt. Zugelassen für USEA-, USDF- und FEI-Wettbewerbe mit Zügelstopps in normaler Größe. Ideal für Fahrer mit schwachem Handgriff und schmerzenden Händen. Ermöglicht eine weichere Hand für ein weicheres Gefühl, ohne die Verbindung zu verlieren. Schnallenenden, 55 Zoll (140 cm) und 60 Zoll (152 cm).


Customer Reviews

Based on 45 reviews
Michelle Barrie

The Heather Comfort Connect Rein- Supportive Padded reins For Weak Hands and Better Connection

Sherilyn Allen
Very comfortable rains for hurting arthritic hands

I only got the rains about three days ago and tried them out for the first time today in the 0° temperature temperature weather in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Basically I could hold onto them a lot better than regular rains. They are soft and since my fingers can’t properly close to hold anything they make it easier For me to grab something to hold. I like them very much and I’m sure the horse appreciates my not having to fiddle with trying to shorten rains every five steps because I’ve lost them.


I love them. I have a rare nerve disorder that sometimes affects my hands and my grasp. The reins have just enough thickness to be able to hold yet still have a feel of the horse's mouth. Even my trainer fell in love with them. I will certainly buy again.

Sandra Higgins
Love these reins

Very comfortable especially if you have arthritic hands & have issues keeping a connection with your horse.

The best

These reins are comfortable and easy to hold on to and don't slip through my hands like other reins.


10% OFF

Any reins with the purchase of any gloves

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